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Previous Posts


Jody Ong
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Ahhhh, it's been a long time since i blogged. So many things have been happening lately. Ever since peck's birthday, things have been going awry (no offense peck =P). To begin with, let's talk about my relocation. I'm now at Sengkang, after 5 long years at Eunos, I'm finding it quite hard to get used to. 1 hour of travelling time from home to sch has become 1 and a half. Hahaha, still damn far. My house is in total chaos now, with boxes and clothes everywhere in a mess. 6 people squeezed into 1 house = squeezy. Super squeezy, thank god my sister is in Australia now. Wait, have I mentioned that my sister is over at Australia to study? Well ya she's gone to study. Sigh I miss her. But she'll be back during hols so it's alright.

Okay next on, Chensheng's father passed away. This happened quite abruptly, we were watching a match and suddenly, cs got a call and he ran away, telling us that his dad fainted. I took it quite lightly because I was quite sure nothing would happen, but instead, the worst happened. We rushed down to the hospital (We being me, peck and raj) to console CS, as well as to see on him. It was quite bad. Peck cried, CS cried, even Raj wanted to cry. Sigh.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
I finally got into the writing mood to blog! Sorry to those who always come and find nothing but the same old posts.

Anyway, it's the new year now, 01 Jan 2006. Good years come with a bang, and this year difnitely did with the 9 mins + firework bang at the Esplanade!

I spent the night and supposed ( more on that below ) countdown with malcom, rachel and matilda. It was really a great night and I'm pretty surprised there wasn't any awkwardness considering both me and malcolm didn't know who matilda was! And oh ya, have I mentioned that I'm a vegetarian again? Yes, again. 11 days and counting! It's really a great achievement for me. I've always wanted to be vegetarian but the I just can't control myself. Hahahaha I know, I'm a pig but what to do? I need good food! Hahaha, and yea, this wil be included in my new year resolution * below *

Back to the esplanade. THE ESPLANADE WAS SUPER CROWED LAH! And you know what's worse? There were black ninjas everywhere! You must be thinking what black ninjas are, here's a hint. They're black, and the only white part of their body anatomy are their eyes and teeth. YES, you guessed right, they're the cheeko and smelly bhanglas. There were huge groups of them everywhere. hahaha no wonder rachel and matilda were quite scared. Any way, we squeezed out of the crowded part and we wanted to go to the hotel near esplanade to see the fireworks cause the crowd was really too much for us. But guess what, smart hotel management jacked up the entry price for the bar to $99! What the hell, have you ever heard of an entry price for a BAR? But yea, smart management.

But nevermind! Beside the hotel was a flight of staircase that werent so packed with people. But it just wasnt NYE-ish, NYE is about squeezing with people and having fun in the crowd! So we SQUEEEEEZED back into the crowded.

My god, the fireworks were awesome, the whole 9 minutes people were just staring at the beautiful display. It really was a wonderful way to pass the year. Cheers to the government! Oh ya and did I mention that we bought popcorns to throw into the crowd? Well, it was only rachel that threw! That mean bitch! =p

After watching the fireworks, I brought them to my house to watch Aeon Flux, and it sucked. To me that is. It was just so boringggg! ahahahaha, and Matilda has a HUGE appetite. We wanted to drive to the prata shop near my house to have a bite. And yea we drove! But not to there, haha i just wasnt confident enough to be seen driving. My virgin drive. hahahah! and Rachel's too! Man, i was shivering while driving! I guess my nerves of steel became nerves of wire. heh. I was driving rather badly with jerks and sudden turns, but rachel was doing very nicely. Slept at 9am.


New year's resolution

2) Get a constant GPA of 3 and above *SUPER IMPORTANT*
3) Be more sociable and keep in contact with all friends!
4) Treat people nicely, like I'm gonna die the next day
5) Get an excellent business idea, and ACT UPON IT.
6) Spend more time with my family
7) Get a night job.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Happy 18th B'day Kay Ramlyne Padiernos! (hope the spelling is right)

Yesterday the whole class got together with the exception of Audrey and Sajeetha, at the Pan-Pacific Hotel for Kay's birthday celebration. IT WAS GREAT KAY!

We all arrived more or less at around 6, where we got changed and everybody got ready. Everybody busied themselves with taking pictures of each other and time quickly flew passed without anybody knowing.

Everybody looked great that night, the girls wearing those sexy formal dining dresses and the guys dressed up smartly. (btw, MALCOLM WAS WEARING SHORT SLEEVE SHIRT UNDERNETH THE JACKET! =D)

After dressing up, we all went down to the ballroom and as expected, we all started posing and taking pictures. Shortly after, we all sat down at our respective tables with girls acting demure and gentle ( you know who huh hehe) and guys, acting normally. hahaha. After muchhhh waiting, we finally got to eat! The food was good, but not wonderful. But still it filled us up just fine.

Later on Alicia got drunk after drinking 2 goblets of red wine. We all were pretty much sober and shocked. Then came the dancing part, Jianhui was literally on the dancefloor all night along with tas and feezah and meee! the rest was coming in and out in and out. I loved malcolm's beyonce dance.

AND THEN! we saw a pretttty waitress. Malcolm wanted to take a picture with her so i went to ask her! and i got her phone number for him as well, but he didn't want it. that ass. We all then went up to the rooms and busied ourselves once again with taking photos. Then came the painful part of the night.

I was lying on the bed peacefull when suddenly, ZHIWEI JUMPED! on me! followed by the rest of the guys. hahaha they did this like 4 times to me? Then it was jianhui's turn! muhaha ( i think. cant remember well )

We played blindman later. Kay was damn suay, always being the catcher. hahah. We all walked to lau pa sat at around 3 for a snack. Only a few of us ate though, i ate the ice logan dessert there and it sucked. Really sucked. Im pretty tired of blogging now. haha i'll just rush through.

We went back to the hotel and some of us slept (tas and nick) and some of us carried on playing. I can hardly remember the details.

Soon enough, me kay jianhui malcolm weng fai and jiehui were squeezing on the bed. There was blanket pulling the whole night! haha and poor weng fai slept all night without a blanket. Btw have i mentioned that Malcolm was as irritating as usual?

Great night. Great B'day. Great fun.
Monday, September 12, 2005
How heart-wrenching it is to hear the passing of a loved one. I just watched the news on Channel 8 and found out that Mr Ang Teck Bee has passed away.

Since i was young, I remember how i used to skip my gym sessions and swimming training with him. And now i would pay very dearly to have those lessons back. Mr Ang taught me and guided me on not only my physical body, but also my mental strength. I still remember the times after training that he will wrestle me onto the floor, executing his judo moves and playing with me, like a father. I was very naughty back then but he was always very patient with me. He infused discipline, sportsmanship and moral values together with the training he gave me. With him, I became a much better person. He was my building pillar. He was like a father to me.

When i stopped swimming when i was at around Primary 4, I stopped training under him and soon, he drifted out of my life. My fond memories began building up again when i was Secondary 3. He motivated me to carry on swimming, to multi-task between canoeing and swimming and he had high hopes for me. Hopes that i did not fulfill. When i got to poly, i stopped training under him again. He became too old to coach me, his eyes were failing him. I visited him only twice from now till then. I was always planning to visit him but i could not take out the time. Now, i feel the sickening heart-wrenching feeling i mentioned in line 1.

I will always fondly remember you. My coach, mentor and inspiration.
Friday, September 09, 2005
ARGH! would my bed look nicer facing the left or right? should i sleep with my legs facing the tv or my head facing the door.

I fell sick yesterday, down with the usual symptoms of flu i.e. sore throat nose block etc etc. Sickening. The feeling of not being able to breath properly especially when you're trying to sleep is super great. really great. You guys should try it out sometime eh, and i won't be suffering alone. Oops! i meant enjoy. hahaha.

Alsooo, after my martial arts lesson yesterday, i was walking to the bus stop when i discovered that my wallet wasnt it my bag! I thought that perhaps i left it at home, so i didn't really care. I walked home. walked for about 20 mins! damn hot and tiring. Next morning, which just happened 7 hours earlier from this post, I just officially declared the loss of my beloved wallet. All the cards! all the money! well not alot of money, just around 5 bucks? BUT STILL MONEY.

Went to school today to consult my micro-econs tutor Ms Audrey Lee on some questions, quite a fruitful session! Malcolm arrived late, as usual. He only managed to ask 1-2 questions! haha that ass. We all went to Holland V shortly later to eat Sushi Teh. Good ala-carte but quite lousy sushi conveyor.

Next stop was Rachel's house! BUT, we got side-tracked and went to westmall to walk around. First time that i've been there, we went upp to E-zone and raced Daytona, nice old game with lots of memories! I still remember the first time i played it was at Singapore Swimming Club with all my old friends. Cherish those times when i was a devil. Now, i'm an angel =).

So we took our places and raced! Malcolm won me slightly on the first round but i trashed him in the second round! Eat that malcolm! hahahahaha. Then, the dreadful call came. I got caught for plagarism. But nvm, it's okayy the assignment is only 10%. Thankfully only 10%. And besides that, i even have to write a letter of explaination. Sibeii sian. hahahaha..

3 unlucky stuff happened at the same time. super sian ah! i guess it must be the way my bed is placed! RAWR. gonna have it changed. better to believe than to suffer eh? hahaha.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Super sad. Went to study today with Rachel, Small Michelle and Malcolm. I studied 2 chapters of econs today. 2 bloody small chapters. Hahaha guess with Malcolm and Rachel around, i just can't concentrate. They talk so much cock. So do i. hahahaha.

Here's some pictures. With Malcolm's cock face. =D

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Malcom eating a whole bloody lemon into his mouth! Holy mother taste buds.

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Me and malc sitting on top of the waterfall at changi. It was NIGHT TIME.

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Ballerina malcolm?

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Watch out NBA, here comes Jody!

I'm in Malcolm's house blogging now. We watched Joey and Friends for about 2 hours now, there's nothing around to dooo. Stupid Malcolm, tell him come my house he don't want! Anyway we're waiting for Kenneth to come join us in our guy's slumber party. Disgusting. ahahahaha. But sad i got to go off soon. Got to sleeeeeep! haha. another day of studying tomorrow ahead of me. I've been going to the airport so many times, i think i could walk around blindfolded. Bah who am i kidding, i'm always lost. hahaha!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Gotten into this really musical mood lately, been listening to all sorts of songs, all sorts of genre. One song that really hit me was You're Beautiful by James Blunt. It suddenly occurred to me that, how often do you see a beautiful girl on the road and all you can do is just stare....?

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true.
I saw you face in a crowded place,
And I don't know what to do,
'Cause I'll never be with you.

I guess it's the kind of feeling that you'll never be able to grasp what you desire no matter how far or how high you reach.

Caught up with a reallly old friend today, haven't talked to him in ages. He's been really busy working on getting his diploma in M'sia. Why such a vast difference from me? I'm getting my diploma too, what in the world is he so busy with? Hahaha. I think it must be i'm too slack, it's time to start pulling up my socks!

I've been hearing this phrase all my life, "you'd better start pulling up your socks!". I guess it's time to really do it.

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